par.ti.san n 1: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; esp : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance (courtesy of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition)
I once believed that partisan related only to politics, probably because the phrase partisan politics has been bandied about for decades. However, seeing my nationally elected politicians seated side-by-side last night in the House Chamber has given me much cause for hope. Surely, due to the fact that they mixed and mingled during the State of the Union Address means that they can overcome their ideological differences today and move forward. Right?
As I was ruminating about partisan, I came to the realization that partisanship is everywhere and not limited to politics. (Although I must consider the idea that, perhaps, politics permeates most institutions.) My surrounding geographic area is dealing with education-related issues of the highest magnitude. Possible staff layoffs, school closings, increasing class sizes, shortened school day, elimination of curricula.....the scenarios go on adnauseam. Sadly, the only cost-cutting measure that seldom, if ever, is proffered is the elimination of administrative positions. Somewhere, in this quagmire, stands the student, looking bewildered, confused, angry and falling rapidly behind in the world's education pecking order. Partisanship often reigns supreme during decision-making and the only loser is the student.
Ironically, partisanship is even present in religion and has been since before the time of Jesus. Partisanship has fueled great wars throughout history and continues to do so today. Not only do sects of believers become hopeless enemies along partisan lines but congregations become rent because partisanship rears its ugly head within the walls of worship. Hubris is often the fuel-source for partisan religious squabbles, with all parties insisting that 'they' were (or are) right. Occasionally the self-righteous will proclaim that "the only issue is your weak belief, or lack thereof", an attitude that only adds more flammable liquid to the flames.
If I am not 'on fire' ( i.e. exhibiting blind, prejudiced or unreasoning allegiance) within my belief system, whether it is regarding politics, education, or religion, and YOU are, it does not make you right, nor me wrong. YOU do not have the right, nor do I, to force-feed a blind, prejudiced or unreasoning allegiance onto another human being. Sometimes both sides of the 'aisle' are wrong but first they must admit it.
Who will step up and utter the word "Uncle" first?
Ancora imparo