Monday, January 10, 2011

Tea, Myself and I

There are just some days, for me, where nothing but tea will do.  This is definitely one of them.

I tried coffee earlier this morning.  I really enjoy my morning coffee and today seemed to be no different.  I sipped my cuppa joe in my favorite chair while reading the Monday newspaper, which took all of about six minutes, if that.  Having galloped through the news and comics it was time to move on to getting ready for the day and the tasks that the morning called for. I galloped through those and thought, "This is great but is that all there is?  Where is the fun in what I just did?"  I looked long and hard at our splendid, insulated coffee carafe, almost reaching for its handle but my state of zen said, "No!"  Unfortunately, for me, frustration still lingered and, at this mid-morning point, I realized that tea was definitely what doctor "Zen" was calling for.

I am very good at looking too far ahead in a day....a week....a month.....or longer and borrowing stress and frustration.  Once again, today was no different and I realized that I needed the calming and quieting qualities of tea.  As quickly as I could, I boiled some water and dropped the tea bag into the bubbling liquid to begin the steeping process as soon as possible.  Once that mission was accomplished my need for zen took me to my 'woman-cave'; i.e. my office and my laptop and soon my my fingers were typing away, each stroke taking me closer to some sense of inner peace.

Yes, today's title is a take-off on an old 'saying' that my friends and I used to have in high school, no less:  "Me, myself and I."  It meant that at times that was all there was and that, at times, that was all there should be.  This morning proved to be no different. 

I found what I was needing and looking for........tea, myself and I. 

Ancora imparo