Saturday, January 15, 2011

Value Judgements

I heard a radio personality say, today, that he did not make value judgements.  Well, thought I to myself, yes, you do.  We all do each and every day.  I made a value judgement just yesterday on the value of gasoline.  I saw the price at $2.98.9 per gallon and decided that I should stop and fill up.  That was a value judgement.

(Here is a fascinating aside having zero to do with value judgements, but rather the spelling of judgement.   The spell-check feature on keeps highlighting judgement as a misspelling so I did what any student of curiosity would do, I went to my 'final answer book', Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, and to my great surprise, it lists first - the word judgment without an e after the 'g'.  Judgement with the 'e' is listed acceptable, but second.  I learned yet another bit of trivia today!)

But I digress. 

I baked a very large batch of chocolate-chip cookies today and had to make a value judgement on the done-ness of each pan when I removed it from the oven.  My SO and I have a value-judgement disparity on every cookie I bake.  He prefers cookies that are a bit more done and therefore crispy.  I prefer my cookies soft and chewy.  Since I am the baker in this household, our cookies are soft and chewy.  End of discussion.

Today, I heard a value judgement passed on a value judgement.  Apparently, the Today Show recently made a value judgement to discuss a book out by a pop-culture important-person-wannabe from a state on the Atlantic shoreline rather than highlight books that have been selected to receive prestigious literary awards such as the Caldecott Medal or the Newberry Medal.  The speaker found that NBC choice to be questionable and that made his opinion a value judgement regarding an NBC value judgement. 

The very fact that a person chooses to read books rather than to clean is a value judgement based on a personal choice, yet the decision is a value judgement.......valuing relaxation over lint removal.  I say, "Brava!"  The woman who was wearing an aviator hat in the supermarket yesterday made a value judgement on style.  That was her personal choice even though I found it to be a bit odd-looking........a value judgement on my part.  And now I feel I must choose running the vacuum sweeper over continuing to blather on about value judgements. 

Choices, choices.

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