Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tinkering With The Recipe

"Sometimes ya just gotta tinker, do'n cha?"

Someone said that to me this morning when a particularly frustrating bit of news was delivered to me in front of others.  Even though I tried to hide my surprise and displeasure upon receiving this important information third hand, one of the 'others' noted my irritation, patted me on the shoulder, and stated the obvious.  In other words, just go with the flow.  Roll with the punches.  Be flexible.  Cool your jets.  Chill out!

It took me a while and a video conference session with The Three Musketeers and their parents, but I was able to lose my mind (pun intended AND do not laugh too loudly) in the video call and, by the time we were done, my mind had moved on to other pressing matters of great import!  (Only in my mind!)

Segue to early afternoon and a baking project for a friend who needs more fiber in her diet.

I decided to make some bran muffins to take to this friend and went in search of a bran muffin recipe, since there was none printed on the bran cereal box.  I finally settled on a recipe and set about making the muffin batter.  However, when all was said and done, the final batter consistency resembled more of a concrete mixture than anything that might be edible.  After I re-checked the recipe's ingredients, coming to believe that I followed the recipe exactly as printed, I gathered my thoughts and began tinkering with the recipe.  As I was making decisions about what to add and how much, my mind was drawn to the person's observation earlier in the day:  "Sometimes ya just gotta tinker, do'n cha?"   

I came to the conclusion, standing in the kitchen, surrounded by muffin tins, bran cereal, canola oil, sugar, flour, baking powder, and other baking ingredients, that 'tinkering' with the recipe to make the muffins turn out to be edible, was not unlike my morning lesson of simply going with the flow.  Deal the hand I am dealt.  Make lemonade out lemons, chocolate ice cream out of shattered bars of chocolate, etc. 

I can proudly report that the end-result bran muffins, after tinkering, are delectable.  If I can take batter, the consistency of concrete, and coax it into deliciously edible, then I can take the morning's information, however frustrating, and deal with it. 

I've found my zen again. 

Ancora imparo