I like to cook. Rather, I like to cook when 1: I have time to cook and 2: I am cooking for a purpose - be it a special meal for my SO and I, a family gathering, grandchildren, dinner guests or some other requested reason. I equate cooking with relaxation and fun.
Cooking, however, from my perspective, must involve a recipe. Rarely do I cook without one. Half the fun of cooking is the recipe search and then trying the recipe for the first time. I have found that if I follow the recipe exactly, nine point nine times out of ten, the end result is delicious. I will never be a recipe 'producer'. My knowledge of combining ingredients is not strong enough to compose a recipe on my own. I will always be the cook who follows directions.......compiled by someone else.
Perhaps that is why I am having trouble locating a recipe for lemonade these days. Perhaps it is because this is January and the weather looks bleak most of the time......but I have too many lemons right now and not one single recipe for lemonade. I've been seeking out lemonade recipes but not one seems logical nor practical. My usual sources for lemonade-making directions are just not bringin' it and I am finding that I might actually have to compose my own recipe. Perhaps my first task should be to simply throw out the lemons, thereby removing the need to make lemonade in the first place. I could choose to ignore the lemons. This strategy of sticking my head in the sand is usually successful.....for a short amount of time. But, after a while, I need to come up for air and there are the same lemons staring me in the face. Consequently, ignoring is only a temporary fix but does nothing, long term, to address the issue of being over-stocked in the lemon department.
My internal inventory-control manager says to just wait out the lemon problem. "After a while", this voice says, "the lemons will spoil and turn into compost". I suppose this is the most environmentally friendly course of action.......to simply wait out the 'year of the lemon' and see what my lemon-composting project can produce or improve. Maybe a lemon-dehydrator would be helpful?
For now, I am looking for a lemonade recipe. Any readers have one they would care to share?
Ancora imparo