Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cynicism Fodder

Any regular reader of Ancora imparo knows my feelings about health insurance. Being one of the lucky-unlucky holders of an individual policy, I still feel that my 'group' was left at the watering hole under the Great Illusionist's health-care reform bill. That being said, I understand that nothing will change, except perhaps for the worse, when the Great Illusionist and his minions are finished with their promises, platitudes and penchants for pork.

Recent events have raised my cynicism level from orange to red.

My health-care insurance company has been sent into receivership by the state in which its corporate offices are headquartered. All policy holders received letters regarding this matter and were informed that policy holders could transfer to Company X, with no interruption in coverage and no application process to undergo. Printed material from Company X has been informative and the phone representatives have been helpful. Receivership Company, on the other hand, has been less than forthcoming with information on how to exact the termination procedure from its end. Neither company has had readily available information on how to begin or navigate the termination process. Oh, you can get answers...........if you know the questions to ask or if you are lucky enough to think of the right questions to ask. If you do not ask the right questions, you can end up in the situation that I now find myself in. Both companies have been guilty of the "You will have to call the other company." syndrome. To be succinct, I am lucky that I did not end up with a five-day gap in which I have no coverage, but to avoid that scenario, I have now unwittingly, unknowingly, and without permission paid for thirty more days with Receivership Company than necessary. I was assured this morning that I will be due a refund check, the arrival date uncertain. Right.

Hmmm, an insurance company involuntarily placed in state-government financial rehabilitation. Does my refund have what is known as a snow-ball's-chance-in-Hades?

I cynicism is showing.

Ancora imparo