Friday, June 11, 2010


My geographic location has had an over-abundance of hot, humid weather recently. A string of rainy, overcast and warm days has given rise to rapid grass and shrubbery growth. Accompanied by the unwieldy size of the horticulture surrounding our condo has been a very healthy crop of bugs. The bugs must be reveling in the excellent habitat for procreation because I have never seen such a high bug population.

In other words, we are 'bugged'.

Not being a bug-lover to begin with, I thought, perhaps, it was just my imagination that I was seeing double (or triple) when it came to bugs. (My family can attest to my determination to rid any habitat of mine of flies. I am deadly with a fly swatter and can amuse myself for hours to keep the flies at bay.) While my SO was on a fishing expedition, I had bug duty to myself and I took it seriously. I waged a daily war against the creepy, crawly things that squiggle and writhe on our deck, cement patio, brink window ledges, condo bricks, and front porch steps. Everywhere I would look, outside, seemed to be covered by unwelcome pests. I'd sweep, stomp, squish, spray and throw as many bugs as I could, but, by the next morning, more would have taken the place of the deceased bugs, as if to thumb their proboscises at the one who dared to remove their relatives. Still, I wondered if I was simply over-reacting to a normal spring bug invasion.

BUT then, this morning, a heating and air conditioner technician paid our condo a scheduled visit to check out the air conditioner. His first task was to inspect and clean the actual outside unit. When he was finished, he came in and, ever-so-politely informed my SO and I that the over-grown shrubbery had given shelter to a too-high number of earwigs and spiders and that we should trim around the AC unit.

"A-ha", thought I to myself. Vindication. Verification.

It is not my imagination. We are truly 'bugged'. This is all-out war.

Ancora imparo