Monday, October 26, 2009

Serious Deficiency

Enough of the dark and gloomy weather! Edgar Allen Poe would be in his element and probably do some of his finest work if he was an artist in residence here, at this time. If this keeps up, I'll be able to write in Poe's genre and style. Literary critics will be unable to discern my writing from his.

I've suffered from obvious deficiencies my entire life. While yet in the pre-natal cabbage patch, my cabbage was deprived of nutrients and fertilizer, resulting in a smaller-than-usual cabbage that never grew like the others. My vertical growth has been stinted since day one.

Then, while in the pre-school cabbage patch, my row did not receive regular instruction on how to count our leaves or the leaves of other cabbages. Not one person, oops - gardener, ever said the words: "One, two, three, four, five, etc.". When the experts opine on nature versus nuture, I would be recognized as a failed experiment from both realms.

And, now, this further insult to my body...........a serious deprivation of Vitamin D.

Did you know that a lack of Vitamin D causes a person to: adopt a curmudgeonly demeanor, develop an etched scowl in the brow, ingest far too much caffeine in an effort to remain even somewhat alert, emit growling noises instead of speaking with words, sit in a chair within an arranged semi-circle of lamps in an effort to simulate sunshine, join the ladies' tatting auxiliary, or, the worst TVLand. When the Clampetts look good and the pig on Green Acres seems like a pet you'd like to have, you know that you've been without direct sunlight for too long.

Halloween is not very far away. If the sun doesn't shine soon, I'll have no trouble looking just like Yavonne DeCarlo.

"Dahling, I'll blog some more tomorrow."

Oh my gosh, the transformation has begun. I need sun and now!

Ancora imparo