Thursday, October 15, 2009

Curmudgeon Recognition

Yesterday I wrote about National Bosses' Day, which will be observed tomorrow. Today I opened up my newspaper to discover that today is National Grouch Day and this is one observance I simply could not resist commenting on.

Just think.....all of the grumpy, curmudgeonly, bellyachers of the world have a day set aside just to honor them. Well, maybe not honor but, most certainly, it gives the rest of the world reason to ponder grouches, curmudgeons, and bellyachers......which is what I have been doing.

To begin, allow me to ponder what makes a person grouchy?
I cannot speak for anyone other than myself but here are some things that make me ornery and grouchy:

  • Calling a national customer service number and being connected to a service representative that cannot communicate effectively with me
  • Hiding a cookie in the freezer and having someone else find it and eat it
  • My feet finding cat litter on the floor
  • My cat trying to bite me when I brush her long hair
  • People who are too lazy to properly prepare their paper recycling on a windy night. In the morning, their paper has blown all over everyone else's property.
  • The fall smolderers. These are the people who do not know how to burn leaves properly and who have never heard of the wonders of what water from a garden hose can do to put out leaf fires. And we wonder why burning ordinances have to be enacted?
  • People who park diagonally across two parking spaces
  • Not standing when singing hymns in church
  • Not having printed music to sing to during praise-music services
  • People who pronounce "Illinois" as "Ellinois". Let's get our vowel sounds correct
  • Yard-care workers who do a haphazard job of removing leaves. No, it is not OK to leave leaves all over the shrubbery.
  • Over-sized boxes filled with too many packing peanuts that some companies use to ship tiny contents
  • The incorrect usage of the asterisk in a church bulletin
  • Spam email
  • Spam snail mail
  • Growing older. I am becoming my grandparents, who were not reserved when it came to expressing their opinions. Very scary.
Did anything on my list resonate with you? I'd love to hear what would be on my readers' lists?

Ancora imparo