Have you ever wondered why Americans (and citizens of other nations) have this fascination with reality shows? Just when did it start and why? Isn't life itself enough of a reality show without having to peek voyeuristically into the lives of others? When did the line become crossed between voyeurism into entertainment?
I have so many questions about this strange phenomenon that it is hard to stop typing them.
Why should my attention be drawn to people with physical deformities, people seeking to lose mega-numbers of pounds, single parents with fifty-five children, twelve-hundred ways to lose your own life, people who collect two thousand tissue boxes and refuse to part with any of them......the list could go on and on and on.
In real life, thousands of gallons of crude oil are pumping into the Gulf of Mexico, creating an environmental nightmare of untold proportions; soldiers continue to lose their lives in service to our country; unemployment remains in high numbers, forcing families to make difficult, heart-wrenching decisions; brilliant students have to make decisions regarding where to go to school because their parents are unemployed and have no health insurance.......need I say more?
These types of issues make the public choosing of a future mate on the small screen seem so irrelevant. What genius decided that a suitable wife or husband could be selected, on television, among a stable of studs or a bevy of beauties?
I just do not understand the preoccupation and fascination with what the media refers to as reality shows. Furthermore, whose reality is it? Tell me it is not staged, scripted and choreographed. Broadway has more reality than reality television.
Let's get real here.
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