Tomorrow is one of those days that I would describe as 'too big'. Fortunately, I do not experience over-sized days very often, for if I did, I would crawl into a large hole, cover my head, and stay there for an indeterminate amount of time.
I've planned, prepared, planned, prepared, then planned and prepared some more. My dilemma is that I have never done, before, what I have to do tomorrow. I've been briefed and have studied notes on what will happen, but until I experience this first-hand, I will have so real sensation of how the day will play out. This will also be the only year I do 'this', so there will zero repeat years in which to get my collective act together.
Even with all of my planning, as I was driving home tonight, my cell phone rang and my co-worker asked me if I had remembered to do just one thing. Sadly, her question's answer may be the one detail that I missed in all of my preparations. When I realized my oversight, I felt overwhelmed and think that I had missed one detail.
Perhaps it will be best now if I simply turn off my mind, eat some dinner, and pack up for tomorrow's adventure. I cannot re-invent the wheel, nor can I force tomorrow to come earlier. 'Tomorrow will be what it will be.
Wish me luck.
Ancora imparo