Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm in the process of making adjustments - all voluntary, although some are driven by external forces. Some adjustments are exciting to contemplate, others, such as not drinking coffee in the morning, will exact much weeping, wailing, and hand-wringing......not to mention the bi-product of grumpiness due to the loss of my morning caffeine fix. But.....I do know that I will live, will eventually adapt and may even feel better. I just cannot imagine my day without a.m. coffee.

Being fully cognizant that I could have much worse problems than not drinking coffee first thing during the day, I'll focus on another positive adjustment and that is getting out for exercise earlier in the morning, walking faster, chugging up and down the hills in my neighborhood. Although my body always objects to awakening before six a.m., as the weather warms it is so much more pleasant to walk in the cool of the day than when the sun is up and beating on me. As I age, I find my body does not 'work' as well in the heat as it once did.

Since I brought up the word 'age', I discovered that my 'age' was showing today as I went shopping looking for a 'gizmo' that I lost and think I can not adjust to being without. (I see that as I 'age', I adapt to certain changes more readily than others!) This little 'gizmo' is a single, plastic hanging hook with a clothes pin-type 'thingee' on the bottom that comes in handy week after week. There used to be four of them until I misplaced one years ago. Then there were three......until a few days ago when I discovered I'd lost another one and I was down to two. Having just two is totally unacceptable, so this week I've been looking to buy replacements, only to discover they are seemingly nowhere to be found. My SO and I were out running errands today and I just had to stop at one of those chain stores that sell household gadgets and kitchen appliances, among other items. We scoured the store, coming up empty-handed. I stopped a store manager, described what I was looking for and she got this blank look while shaking her head and apologizing for not having what I was looking for. On our way back to the car, I told my SO I just didn't understand why I couldn't find 'them'. I went on to explain, "I received them for my high school graduation"............'Nuf said.

He then told me perhaps we should be looking at garage sales or vintage/antique stores.

'Nuf said.

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