Ancora imparo, Latin for still I am learning, is so appropriate for my life. I do learn something, every single day. At times, I am humbled when I learn how much I do not know, for the amount and depth of my lack of knowledge is considerable.
It seems that the bits of knowledge I absorb each day come from many and varied sources. The newspaper is a frequent contributor to my learning, as are both the internet and television. Conversations with others can be enlightening, although I have learned to always check my source(s).
As I wrote earlier in the week, this past Sunday proved to have some thought-provoking and learning moments in the pastor's sermon. I remembered one more point that I thought deserved space in this blog.
In his discourse regarding transitions and change, he mentioned a tidbit of information that I found fascinating: The Chinese 'word' for crisis is a combination of two symbols - the symbol for danger and the symbol for opportunity. I completely agree that a crisis, while possibly being very dangerous, can also be a perfect vehicle for opportunity. While the two concepts - danger and opportunity - may seem diametrically opposed, one really does synchronize with the other .
And so, once again, I have gleaned a bit more knowledge than I had previously. One of these days, I might actually retain what I've learned!
Until then, let's all keep learning.
Ancora imparo