Yesterday was a day to remember in church. A young man came to play "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes with the choir that I have the privilege to direct. He is a very fine piper and his rendition of "Amazing Grace" moved many to tears. A few even came back to a service two hours later to hear him again. I could have listened over and over and still have heard more.
I thought carefully about why hearing a piper play this particular piece is so stirring, ranking right up there with "God Bless America", "America, the Beautiful", or "This Is My Country". Is is the haunting timbre of the pipes themselves? Is it the uniform of the pipers, combined with the lore of the Scots? Is it the powerful symbolism that is associated with the ceremonies that we typically hear "Amazing Grace" played on the pipes? Can there be any more emotional moments than the scene of hundreds of police officers or fire fighters, in full uniform, gathering to show one last display, of the powerful brotherhood that they share, for a fallen member?
I cannot adequately describe what I felt or even presume to think what others, yesterday, might have been experiencing. All I can write is that hearing the music and watching the piper's stately entrance into the sanctuary evoked emotions, from both myself and others, that were deep, profound, obvious and intense. I hope this young man is able to appreciate the gift that he gives time and again when he shares the ethereal beauty of his instrument's sound combined with the masterful appearance of his traditional uniform.
Thank you, Aaron.
Ancora imparo