Monday, May 10, 2010

Adults In Their Too's

The 'Terrible Two's'.

Most of us are familiar with this stage in the life of a toddler and recognize the behavior of a two-year old when it presents itself. The parents of two-year olds are forever recounting stories about their their child's actions.....mostly in public. Two-year olds seldom save their melt-downs for the quiet, anonymous confines of home.

Adults can have apoplectic fits as well. We don't favor home or public. Anywhere is fine for an adult 'fit'. Adults can 'lose' it at a sports function, a restaurant, home, the office, on a busy highway, a barbeque party..........well, anywhere. I call this 'being in the 'toos'. (Yes, I spelled the word wrong intentionally.)

Too tired.
Too grumpy.
Too overworked.
Too uptight.
Too frazzled.
Too busy.
Too self-centered.
Too timid.

As you can see, the Terrible-Two's are not just limited to those who are chronologically young, although it is certainly more socially acceptable to see a real two-year old writhing and screaming on the floor of a big-box store than a thirty-eight year old throwing a fit on the sidelines at a soccer match.

As I close tonight, I find that I am too pooped to we used to say in my much-younger days.

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