We are all painters, artists, arteests (my word), composers and illustrators. Daily, God provides each one of us with the tools to create something - whether it be a work of art, a poem, a conversation, a good or bad mood, a meal or dessert, a metal or plastic part used in machinery, a field of soy beans, a musical composition, a lesson plan, an article of clothing, a physical movement, a relationship, etc. Everything you and I do is a creation and we are all creators in some way. Each of our contributions will be different as we are all not alike. Just as our contributions will be unique, so are we - in our height, weight, hair color or amount(!), language, skin color, abilities, and levels of inspiration.
Because we are all creators, does it really matter if we are all using the same paint colors or medium? Are there really rules on how we must create? Of course, there are societal rules and laws that must be obeyed by all. There are moral and ethical standards and codes that should be observed and upheld in order to maintain decency and cultural stability. Beyond that, questions beg asking such as: "Does it really matter if we all use the same paint color?" "Must we all be interested in the same medium; i.e. water colors, copper, ceramics, styrofoam, charcoal, etc.?" Isn't the fact that we have one characteristic in common......our human-ness......enough?
Just because my preferred medium might be charcoal on paper grocery sacks, for argument's sake, that does not make my creation any lesser or greater than yours. Likewise, if you are working in copper, and your creation may ultimately sell for a far higher price than mine, most certainly does not qualify you for the 'thin-air club'. (This fictional club, existing only in the mind, is where your or my nose is so high in the air that the oxygen level is very low.) And yet, if I choose to work in copper, do not suppose yourself to be in the position of criticizing me for my choice or opportunity.
It should not be the medium of choice that defines me or you. What defines us should be that we are all creative beings who bring value and substance to the table each and every day. Where did the concepts of civility, humanity, personal responsibility and the acceptance of action-based consequences disappear to?
Paper grocery sacks or copper. What is your medium?
Ancora imparo