My pastor's sermon resonated with me this past Sunday. His over-all topic was transitions: How they can be good and that change can be positive.
I appreciated his approach to the near-future change of pastoral leadership at my church. His goal, over the next four Sundays, is to help prepare the congregation for the transition from one style of theological leadership to a new style. As with any kind of change, some congregants will be resistant, others will flat out refuse to embrace the new and others will embrace 'new' with open arms, hearts, and minds.
One of his points was that unpredictability is not all bad, a viewpoint that I completely subscribe to on one hand, and abhor on the other. Who among us doesn't like predictability and the familiar. Most of us are creatures of habit. We want to know, and sometimes long to know, exactly what will happen when X, Y, and Z happen at the same time. While routine may seem boring, routines are what help us to be on automatic.
My pastor's sermon helped me to see that while automatic is reassuring, unpredictability can be invigorating, energizing and motivating. Sometimes it is OK to not know what is around the bend. Sometimes not knowing can unleash creativity and productivity.
I'm ready .
Ancora imparo