Four years ago, I made a big decision......a decision that was not-too-well thought out. The finality of it has never quite left me. My decision to leave teaching was a gut-wrenching one, made all the more memorable by the class of students that left my building the same time as I. They left as eighth graders, going on to the exciting world of high school. Now, four years later, they leave high school and move on to whatever they have selected as the next step in their life-journeys.
I have managed to keep track of most of them and have stayed in touch, one way or another, with many of them. It has been rewarding to me to watch how these young people have grown and matured. More than several of them will be continuing on in something connected to music, either as a career path or as highly sought-after participants in college performing ensembles. I find this gratifying and take pride that I had a small part in their musical 'upbringings'.
Invitations to their graduation open houses have been arriving in the mail and I cannot wait to see them in person, as well as their parents. All of these students have been blessed with rock-solid home lives and parents that are deeply invested in their students' well-beings and futures. Lucky young people, wouldn't you say?
My hat goes off to the 2010 graduating seniors.
Ancora imparo