Our nationally elected and appointed officials have finally demonstrated concern for the American public and I would like to be one of the first to congratulate them. In a time when there are so many pressing concerns facing these politicians and career bureaucrats, they have stepped up to the plate and declared action to end bladder bias in our government and federal buildings. Nicknamed the "Potty Parity Act", this action is aimed to end the discriminatory longer lines at the women's bathrooms as compared to the men's. As a female, I know, first-hand, the humiliation and pain the fairer sex has experienced as a result of this wanton disparity.
Did our congressional representatives and senators let health care reform, education reform, state budget crises, immigration issues, or the economic mess derail them from the really important matters? No. Partisanship? Not on this issue. They have moved swiftly and with singular determination to ensure that all bladders are treated equally; that no man shall enter and depart a restroom faster than a female; that no woman can ever come late to a meeting, in a federal or government building, again with the excuse that 'the line was so long at the restroom'.
This is a sure sign that our tax dollars are truly at work. While students may not have textbooks and schools may have massive teacher-layoffs, we can rest assured that if we need to use a restroom in a federal or governmental building, there will be shorter, if any, waiting lines. Dollars are speeding toward restroom remodeling as I type.
That's our government...........looking out for us.
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