Friday, April 20, 2012

Moving Twixt Realities

Do you live in differing realities?  I do and I think, perhaps, many of us do.

If you are employed outside the home, female or male, then you live in and move between different realities.  At "work", you wear one hat, you think in work-related terms and you most probably speak a slightly different vocabulary than you do when you move to your home reality........unless, that is, you and your housemate(s) are employed in the same or a similar field.  Then your vocabularies will be consistent with work-speak......unless, that is, your household includes children and, depending on the age of the children, you may adopt a totally different language at home than at work.  There are some exceptions to my observation, of course.  One exception that comes to mind is a former colleague's spouse, a registered nurse, who insisted that from birth, he and my friend only refer to any body part (including the child's) with anatomically correct terms.  Dad and Mom did not ask the typical question of  "Where's your knee?"  Instead they would ask (of course accompanied by the big, goofy smile adults wear when asking young children these types of questions), "Where's your patella?"  These two adults now have two children and, I'm telling you, their little boys need to go into a health-related field some day because they will have the dreaded anatomy terminology down pat. 

For others, differing realities may between volunteering and home, entertaining and home, traveling and home.......the contrasts may be disparate or minimal, but they will be there.

Capt. SO and I just returned from a brief jaunt to Das Boot.  She has been minus her trim this winter as Capt. SO stripped, sanded and mega-varnished the wood so we journeyed north to her winter storage stowage and trimmed her back up.  Her hull was washed and waxed over the winter so that part of her is gleaming.  The rest of her (excepting her mahogany trim) looks like most of the other Aqua RVs that are in winter storage - very dusty.  Even the smallest of Aqua RVs looks huge when it is out of the water on blocks, chocks, and stands.

All of these "boats out of water" (pun intended) look like beached whales waiting for the tide to come back in.  They are stored literally two or three inches apart (four, if you are lucky) - so close you could easily hop from one boat to another - as do the spiders.  Our Das Boot is spider-free as is the other boat whose bow pulpit is hanging inches over our dinghy.  It is spider-free because Capt. SO sprayed it before he left Das Boot for the winter.  No spiders on his boat - uh-uh! 

It was a fun get-a-way but our trek northward was also a reminder of living between two different realities.  They both feel natural but the difference is so remarkable I feel as if I should have a passport for one or both locations.  Reality here sprang back to life instantly, though, as I had to come home to the immediately obvious need to clean Cranky Kitty's litter box.  Nothing like a cat's litter box to remind one of the station held in life for a feline owner......kitty slave. 

I need a passport out.

Ancora imparo