Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where Did The Contents Go?

I've been searching for the contents of my brain for the better part of the last two hours and I am disappointed to report that I've had no success in locating what used to be the brains behind my brain.  This could be due to several reasons:  Tired, stressed, tired or stressed.  I'm fairly certain that one of these factors is contributing to the fog I now find myself encased in.

Brain-fog feels like my head is filled with either cottage cheese or applesauce - I'm not sure which would be the most aptly descriptive food to use as imagery.  A group of people I was with last night was involved in talking about how the weather, atmospheric lows and barometric pressure gave many of them headaches, backaches, and other aches they couldn't seem to describe.  Perhaps that is what is affecting my cognitive performance.

I haven't lost anything today, nor have I misplaced items, so I do not think my cottage-cheesed brain is in too much trouble, but it does feel as if I am weaving through a maze of those Halloween-type fake cobwebs.  It is a good thing that I had plenty of lists previously prepared that I can rely on to remember all of the tasks that I need to accomplish.  It is also fortunate that I did not plan on doing any baking or elaborate cooking today, because the outcome might have been a bit compromised for either one of those activities.  I can only imagine how chocolate chip cookies would taste with baking powder instead of baking soda, or one teaspoon of salt versus one tablespoon of salt would change the outcome.  I think there would be lots of wrinkled facial muscles and more than a few "yucks" uttered.

Consequently, when you read this posting please read it with a grain of tolerance salt.  If there are phrases, sentences, or syntax that simply mean very little, or make no sense at all, just understand from whence my brain cameth today.  Out of the briar patch, through the smoke, around the debris and across the swamp is the route that the contents of this posting took to reach a point of conclusion where I could type:

Ancora imparo