Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baked, Fried or Boiled

I just listened to a dietary discussion about potatoes and their pros and cons for health-related purposes.  The consensus was predictable -  baked and boiled are the healthiest for us but fried tastes the best and that is a tough characteristic to resist.  Baked and boiled, while maybe the best dietary choices, only taste good to many people when topped with decidedly unhealthy ingredients such as sour cream, bacon, cheese of all types, butter.....just to name a few.  Who doesn't love a baked potato smothered in butter, blue cheese and bacon?

I can identify with the humble potato.  Don't the terms baked, fried and boiled describe how you feel from time to time?  A term that I still hear, today, is half-baked, as in a 'half-baked' idea.  I guess that would equate to an idea that was taken out of the oven before it had time to properly 'cook'; i.e. get processed and finished.  Referring to someone as 'baked' is usually a derogatory term, perhaps alluding to having done too much imbibing.  Which then makes me muse, "If someone is referred to as 'half-baked', does that then mean that he or she is only half drunk?

Whilst you ponder that pressing life question, let us consider the term fried.  Most often, I hear fried referring to someone who is exceptionally tired, as in "I'm fried."  When I feel fried I usually head straight to my closet where I strip off my work-day clothes and go for either the robe and slippers or the comfy, fuzzy workout suit.  There is just nothing like a change of clothing to help ease the feeling of fried.  Of course, wine doesn't hurt, either.

Then there is boiled.  I dislike feeling boiled because it usually is associated with a situation that has made me hopping mad........or madder than a wet hen........or leaving me feeling like I want to do a Rumplestiltskin.  If you are not familiar with the story of Rumplestiltskin, I would encourage you to look it up online.  The mental image take-a-way from that story is priceless and a perfect example of rage.  When I am boiling mad I can ultimately escape those feelings with conversation, television, a book, a boat ride, a walk with my I-pod......or wine. 

In conclusion, I am boiled that it is so cold I cannot bake or fry my body in the sun.  It is so cold we cannot even use our gas grill.  It is so cold that the icicles hanging from my deck's overhang are close to becoming permanent fixtures.  At least I sleep really well under all my warm covers so I do not feel fried at the end of the day.  The reality is that to become oblivious to the cold I need to become half-baked.  Hmmm.

This could be fun.

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