Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold

This is the time of year when thermostatic schizophrenia occurs.  With the wild fluctuations of outdoor temperatures, indoor environments struggle to maintain any consistency.  Consequently, when one moves from structure to structure, you are apt to experience a wild array of thermostatic settings.  One store - or even residence - will require a winter coat, or sweater at the very least, while the next will feel almost steamy and rain-forest like, resulting in the desire to strip down to the barest articles of socially-acceptable clothing. 

Yes, this is summer, in all its glory.  A time when not only the external temperatures can vary but peoples' own thermostatic preferences are as disparate as the weather.   I visited with a neighbor last night and we began our conversation, at day's end, out of doors, on her spacious front steps.  There was a slight breeze and I thought being outside was delightful but she soon became uncomfortable with the humidity and invited the two of us to go inside her home.  Once I had been inside only a few moments, I quickly realized that her thermostat must have been set quite "high" because the interior temperature (for me) was way too high.  There was no air movement, certainly no AC on, and I found it to be much more stultifying than the out-of-doors had been.  The conversation was great but I was miserable with the heat.  However, when in Rome........

On the opposite side of the "coin", when I am in my favorite supermarket's dairy and meat section, I can become quickly and easily chilled, to the point where shivering can commence and I then wish I had a jacket or sweater on.  Normally, my personal thermostat runs hot and, in summer months, you will find me wearing only light-weight cotton and natural-fiber clothing.  Perhaps the most challenging time within the routine twenty-four-hour period is at night when too much air from fans can be just as disruptive to sleep as too little.  You know the kind of night when one moment you are grabbing for the nearest corner of a sheet, blanket, or both OR you are throwing off covers right and left, with little regard for anyone or anything else that might be sharing your bed.

I think that the "dog" days of summer are here.  Lawns are browning and the need to mow lawns is decreasing.  The corn is knee-high and summer ice-cream haunts are crowded during business hours.  Some do like it hot and some do like it cold. 

Me - I'm definitely in the cold camp.

Ancora imparo