Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Flying Fingers

It is hard being on a time-table to use a computer!  I am at the public library in Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario province.  In a couple of hours, we will take off for island-hopping, internet non-existent places for about four more nights.  Consequently, I am endeavoring to catch up on email and communicate with those whom I love and care for via the internet.  I tried sending emails but my Charter account wouldn't let me send.

I find that on-the-clock typing makes me prone to lots of mistakes.  Any reader, regular or otherwise, should please excuse any typos that are found in this posting.

Ancora imparo is on a hiatus, of sorts, while we are plying the waters of northern Lake Huron and the North Channel.  I have found it to be a challenge to be totally "unconnected" like this.  Oh, do not misunderstand me....I am enjoying myself immensely.  I've kayaked long hours, seen and heard the sounds of loons, watched an eagle devour some poor, unsuspecting creature, and watched fish dance about below my kayak.  I've enjoyed Gore Bay frozen yogurt and I've ridden five-to-six foot waves, on the Aqua RV, that made me feel as if I was riding a bucking bronco.  I've come to feel as if the Aqua RV is more like a floating tent, rather than a power boat.  Capt. SO and I have noticed that all the other boats we've been on, while at anchor, all look about as trashed as ours does.....much to Capt. SO's dismay.  When we get back to our home marina, I KNOW what he'll do, probably first thing!

So, as I end this posting, to mostly let regular readers know where we are and that we are still floating, I say adieu for a few more days as we head out this afternoon, back to the McBean Channel......check your maps..... and perhaps four last nights on the hook, in differing places.  We are doing a much better job this trip of visiting out-of-the-way nooks and crannies on our quest to stay at anchor as many nights as the garbage smell will allow and as long as water lasts in the fresh water tank.  So far, our water conservation has worked well because we've used the sparkling clean North Channel waters as our bathtub and shower.  Lots of fun....once you get past the cold first shock.

We love all of you.  I'm writing a daily entry that I will post when I return to civilization that doesn't have a time limit and cause my fingers to fly.

Ancora imparo