Friday, April 8, 2011

Note To Self: Whineth Not

This weather does not lend itself to personal glee, mirth, frivolity, guffawing, chortling, or celebrating.  Rather, it lends itself to dourness, momentary depression, gloom, despair, agony ("All three".....Hee Haw song), and other introverted, introspective thoughts that do little other than further one's glum and morose perspective.  Indeed, the sun does need to peek through sooner than later here or doctors' offices will be filled with people demanding anti-depressants! 

I do not, however, have to look very far past the end of my nose in order to find others' situations that are far, far more distressing and worrisome than my temporary situation regarding lack of sunlight.  In fact, to even whine about no sun would be so far down the list of whinable (my word) topics for some that I should be chided for shallowness. 

It is remarkable to me how much resilience some people posses, for there are those that carry burdens so great that their middles names should all be Atlas.  Surrounding me are instances of pain, grief, worry, illness, sadness, anger, poor health, medical/personal/emotional emergencies that make any hint of whining I might consider pale in comparison.

Is this how God reminds us of what we have and should celebrate?  Is this how God teaches us to be grateful and thankful for our health, our families, our good fortunes, our loved-ones, etc.?  I think, perhaps, it is how He points out to me that, but for the grace of Him, go I.

"The fact that it is cloudy and overcast is meaningless in the grand scheme of life.  Get over it!",  saith I to myself.   

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