Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just Plain Speak

Someone told me today that Ancora imparo postings do not seem to have any theme to them, other than the Three Musketeers, chocolate, puppies or dogs, coffee (occasionally), my Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - Eleventh Edition, and the Aqua RV (when in season).

OK, that is a fair and accurate assessment.  I follow a number of blogs and most of them do, I guess,  contain certain themes, like  happiness, Godliness, humor, weird happenings, name a few.  If I were to try to maintain a leitmotif (good term, since I am a musician), I would probably get bored and run out of subject material.  Once upon a time, I thought I would like to, and could, write a book.  I even went so far as to outline the chapters, then the desire sort of became a puff of air and disappeared.  Subsequent to starting the book, I attended a book-writin' workshop where I learned that first books sometimes take a while to incubate and materialize.  I guess I didn't ruminate long enough to incubate anything other than frustration.

In this same conversation, the person asked me where I found sources of inspiration about which to blog.  I'm not certain that "inspiration" is quite the right word since it is unlikely that I inspire anyone who reads Ancora imparo.  Do I hope that Ancora imparo encourages laughter?  Yes!  Do I aim to influence anyone?  Heavens, no!  Do I send messages to those who know it is "them" to whom I am speaking?  Yes, yes....a thousand times "yes"!  I write for personal satisfaction, to keep my mind working, to maintain my vocabulary, to improve my vocabulary and writing skills, and to have a dialogue with some faceless visage that I feel needs to hear what I have to say - for that day and on a specific topic.  Nothing I write will change the world, nor should it, but maybe, just maybe, it might tweak a conscious here and there, evoke a chuckle or two, or present a new word to someone else other than me. 

I simply write in "plain speak" - a language that most will recognize, remember, and recall.  If I use a word that you don't recognize, you know what to do - consult your Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - Eleventh Edition.  Works for me every time!

Ancora imparo