Friday, April 22, 2011

I Blame My Misfired Synapses For This Posting

As I sit here, at my own laptop (finally), I am aware of my cat's snoring, the thunder loudly rumbling, the torrential rain hitting our roof, and the return of my sneezing due to Cranky Kitty.  The car is unloaded, suitcases unpacked, junque put away, laundry started, audio book finished, and plans finalized for tomorrow.  Lists are prepared to take me into the next two weeks because I know that my logical thinking time will come into short supply soon enough.  The mail that collected while Capt. SO and I were gone is sitting on my desk, silently berating me for not yet sorting through it and chastising me for checking out Facebook before I turned my attention to my snail mail.

My snail-mail pile is about six inches thick, due mostly to two packages that arrived whilst I was away.  The rest of the accumulated correspondence seems to be advertising in nature......mostly catalogues, requests for donations, and department store fliers, complete with those tempting coupons that are supposed to inspire one to spend some money in order to save money.  Is this not a financial oxymoron? 

I just Googled the word "catalogue" because my  text monitor is indicating a misspelling.  What I found made me somewhat indignant.  I confirmed that "catalogue" is correct, but "catalog" has now become "acceptable". So, does this mean that if enough John Q. Publics misspell a word long enough and enough collective times, that the incorrect spelling will eventually become "acceptable"?  I find this a bit incomprehensible.  When did a misspelling become not a misspelling?  Perhaps I should begin a world-wide crusade to change the spelling of "indignant" to "indignent"?  If enough people spell "indignent" incorrectly, then, perhaps, we can "change the world" one misspelled word at a time.  For that matter, why not begin with "mispelling" misspell?

Ancora imparo readers:  Accepteth not incorrect spellings.  Standeth up for correct spelling.  We cannot alow the world to becum lax about speling.  Just bcuz we text w/ abbreviations duz not mean we hav 2 stoop 2 low speling standards, duz it?

Ancora imparo