Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Peaceable Kingdom

New Mexico Trip posting: Day Four

The vistas are incredible...........In every direction I look I can see for hundreds of miles, usually with differing topography at each turn. I see low-desert areas, plateaus that appear to have been precisely shaved off by machine, stone outcroppings lifted seemingly from nowhere, tall mountain peaks.........all within a three-hundred and sixty degree radius.

It is as if I have been placed in the middle of God's Peaceable Kingdom and am viewing His masterful strokes first-hand. I am amazed at the power of God's creativity and the passage of thousands, no - millions, of years of geologic movement.

This is mid and northern New Mexico and I am seeing the beauty of our nation right in front of my eyes. My fingertips have touched lava eruptions perhaps millions of years old. The vastness of this land is indescribable. My words seem a puny effort in retrospect.

Ancora imparo