Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The conversation revolved around leaders and morphed from local leaders to employers to church leaders to national leaders. No stone was left unturned and the opinions were as varied as the ages, stages, and political leanings.

I came away with my mind churning regarding leadership. What kind of leader was I and what did I want and expect from a leader? I asked myself if leadership needs to take on differing forms to change with the age and stage of the group? Are there universal leadership qualities that transcend the lines of every type of group? Are leaders born or made or both?

I can pick up a newspaper on any given day and read either an article, an syndicated op-ed piece or a letter to the editor that involves aspects of leadership. Some leaders have highly questionable pasts and backgrounds, yet our society seeks their opinions and seems to place a high value on their words and follows their every action. Why? For every leader and leadership style, I can find followers and detractors. An ineffective leader, in my opinion, may be your ideal leader.

Does success equal leadership?

Then my question became, "What is success?" That topic would find as many diverse thoughts and ideas as the conversation about leadership.

As you can see, my head is spinning with questions but this is one quandary that I will relish thinking through. I'm always seeking answers to life's perplexing questions, Prairie-Home- Companion style and will welcome your thoughts, ideas and opinions. Perhaps what I need is more catsup.

As the blog is titled: Still I am learning.

Ancora imparo