Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Benefits of Procrastination

Procrastination is highly undervalued in our society.

Unlike our financial nest eggs and investment, procrastination is about the only process these days that is collecting or growing anything.

For example, consider the act of procrastinating about doing the laundry.... or dishes, for that matter. The piles grow and grow, at a rate of return that would make the Federal Reserve green with envy and envy is the only green that banks are growing today.

If I procrastinate about cleaning my residence, I can increase the number of hours I have spent reading books or magazines.

Procrastination of pulling weeds and other noxious plants results in fewer sore backs for most of us.

Procrastination has resulted in great literary compositions. One of my favorite books, Gone With the Wind, saluted procrastination in its final scene. Scarlett O'Hara gave the herald call of all procrastinators when she uttered the words, "After all, tomorrow is another day."

So, here's saving all that can be saved for another day!

Ancora imparo