Wednesday, November 2, 2011


One of many revelations came to me several years ago when I learned (or finally remembered) that, in the Bible, the book of Revelation has no "s" at the end, as in plural revelations.  That was useful information so that I did not sound too ignorant around people who are theological bibliophiles. 

Another series of revelations came early in my life as I learned how to do the laundry.  These laundry-related revelations were along the lines of  a) There will always be at least one missing sock  b) Used tissues left in pockets never stay in the pockets c) The old "darks" really did bleed  d) If yellow mustard got on a garment you might as well throw it away  e)  Mom really did know how to get out blood and fruit stains  f) Lye was very harsh on the hands

A daily revelation, which I guess would mean it should no longer be a revelation, is that as soon as I clean the cat's litter box, she will use it.  Cranky Kitty seems to be in a contest with me to see how many times I will clean her box during the day.

People whom I wish would not hug me seem to feel compelled to hug me and everyone else. 

Lastly, (although this is certainly not my only remaining revelation) I now understand why many parents stress bed-making to their children.  I was raised to be a bed-maker and have remained one to this day.  This morning the reason for bed-making became very clear to me as I straightened sheets and blankets and tucked in corners while watching absolutely dismal outdoor weather.  I make the bed so I cannot (as easily) get back into it.  Seeing a perfectly made bed acts as a deterrent to climbing back in and hiding under the covers for either a short or extended amount of time. 

November is going to be a big bed-making month thinks I to myself.

Ancora imparo