Monday, November 14, 2011

Not What I Expected For 1001

God continues to grab my attention - always with a two-by-four. 

I had some ideas on what I would muse about for the 1001st Ancora Imparo posting, none of which included the feeling of anger and, yes, rage that I find within myself tonight. 

My cell phone was stolen today.  I realize it was just a "thing" - an inanimate object - a possession......not a life, nor limb, nor loved one.  I get all that.  I am angry because someone did not do the right thing and did not turn my cell phone in to the Walgreen's manager.  Somebody made a split-second decision to take something that did not belong to them.  Somebody made a decision to keep something that was not theirs to keep.  Somebody was dishonest, deceitful, and downright wrong.  Oh, sure, I've mitigated the potential damage.  My cell phone provider was notified and the phone number is currently in suspension, which, to my understanding, means that the phone cannot be used under my account.  The cell-service provider also verified that after the last call I made to Capt. SO and before I suspended service, no calls were made on the phone.  That part of my angst has been quieted.

What has not been assuaged and what has ratcheted skyward is my anger toward the #%^* that took the phone that was left on the Walgreen's prescription counter, next to the register.  Actually, the phone was rather hidden on the left side of the register, right next to the partition so it was not readily visible to lots of people.  I simply do not understand why a person did not react as I would have........and turned the phone in to a person of responsibility, such as the pharmacist or the store manager.  I have had lots of uncharitable thoughts towards this person and have silently wished many a plague upon him or her.  Right how, locusts, boils, fire-ant bites, pestilence and hemorrhoids have been the most frequent of poxes I could imagine.  Hopefully by tomorrow's morn, my ire will have somewhat been lessened and I will be down to wishing herpes, hives, and lockjaw on the criminal who took that which should have been turned in - not taken.

I'm hoping for a more positive 1012th posting. 

Ancorage imparo