There is little these days, any more strange in the news department, than the slate of Republican-presidential candidate wanna-be nominees. How any potential voter can look over this motley crew and not laugh is beyond me. Before the primary and straw-vote process is all over, there very well may be more candidates than Ben and Jerry ice cream flavors. If the situation weren't so laughable it might very well be tragic. Let's wait and see who is the flavor of the month through the Holly Daze. I'm not counting on any one savior to arise from the rubble and "save" us all, but rather one of us to step on to the rubble, declare it a disaster area, and announce how to clean up the mess.
On a much lighter note, a short Associated Press article in today's paper caught my eye and tickled my funny bone, plus a few others.
Police: Fake doc injected cement into woman's rear
MIAMI --- Police say a South Florida woman posed as a doctor and gave a series of toxic injections to a woman who wanted a bigger backside and curvier body.
Miami police say Oneal Ron Morris was arrested Friday after a yearlong hunt. Morris, who was born a man but identifies as a woman, has been charged with practicing medicine without a license with serious bodily injury. She has been released on bail.
Police say Morris injected cement, mineral oil and sealant used to fix flat tires into a woman's rear end last May. Investigators believe Morris performed this same procedure on herself and possibly others.
I know that, in some circles, a bigger behind - booty, if you will - is a positive physical attribute. Not in my circle, where people strive to make theirs smaller, tighter and more firm by spending hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars each year in an effort to shrink their backsides. With this Florida woman's enhanced rear end, I'm not sure, if tossed onto the roadway from a moving vehicle, whether she would crash and shatter or bounce all the way to Cuba.
Yes, truth can be stranger than fiction.
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