Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who Is Your Family?

Actually, from a conversation today, the question should have been stated, "Who Are Your Peeps?"  Yes, even people over fifty use the word "peeps" in their speech I learned this morning.  It is not a word that I use in normal conversation - only to be humorous - and even though the word sounded very strange coming more than once from a person over sixty, I understood his meaning and it gave me pause for thought.

Family, aka "peeps" can have many meanings to many people.  As we discussed this morning, the "normal" nuclear family of parents and maybe more than one sibling has long been the standard-bearer for the concept but now, "family" can have many connotations.  Work co-horts can be family, friends sometimes have bonds stronger than family, groups can become family-like and some people may consider their church as family.  There have even been stories about humans who have adopted wolf packs as family. 

While I am most certainly not advocating choosing a wolf pack over humans as a family unit, I can say that family can be whatever one wants it to be.  Some siblings seem driven to separate themselves from each other and their parents, determining to become independent to the proverbial "nth" degree.  Some families seem to strive to drive wedges between each other, perhaps not so much out of spite as habit - never relearning habitual, practiced responses to each other. 

As for moi, my family is my "peeps" - my go-to people. 

November is the month for thankfulness.  I am thankful for my family.