WWYD? WWYDif? WWYD if you weren't afraid?
Once again, the Facebook connection fascinates and mystifies me. It really does connect people in the weirdest way. It is as if we humans crave relationships, friendships and connections....but only from a distance and on our own terms.
I digress.
Yesterday a Facebook friend, who has been a face-to-face friend for over ten years, tossed out the question: What would you do if you weren't afraid? Most of the answers were predictable, such as bungee jumping and sky diving. Another woman commented that she would downhill ski some incredibly difficult course and I had a really silly comment - "I'd water ski behind my boat." - which, by the way, is something that I always dream about when I am sitting on the back deck, watching the wake waves. I'm pretty sure, in earlier years, that I could have done it, although I would never consider crossing the wake. Just riding in the smoothness of the center stream would be thrill enough. As Capt. SO points out, however, I'd probably kill myself just getting pulled out of the water, then the skin on my face might never be the same as I was pulled through the water. Fortunately, the boat is not set up for water skiing so the entire topic is moot.....still fun to think about it, just the same!
One comment about my friend's question did trouble me. A woman wrote, "I'd just live." I read it last night and it stayed with me all night long, lingering yet this morning. I do not know this woman very well so I am not privy to what is happening in her life. I can only send an unspoken message her way:
I hope you are, have and will......to the fullest extent possible.
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