There are so many things that are an art. The art of crochet, knitting, sewing, woodcarving, woodworking, baking, bread making, painting, sculpting, shoe repair (yes, it is an art), alterations, "luthiering" ( my fractured word for one who is a luthier), Rosemaling, pizza making, tatting, smocking, candle making, clock making, conversation, clock repair, jewelry making, diamond cutting, car repair, automotive restoration........the list could be endless.
Then this idea predicates a question: What is an "art"? I think of an "art" as that which require special skills above and beyond the level of duct tape, Windex, Band Aids, Elmer's Glue, Bisquick, electrical tape, matches, an axe, safety pins, Scotch tape, card board, string and Amazon. In my world, if any of the aforementioned items cannot fix the problem, then that which needed "fixing" probably belongs either in the trash or a load to Goodwill.
I listed the "art" of conversation and there is another "art" closely related to conversation and that is the art of listening. To be a good listener, one must first be a good questioner, care little about hearing your own voice, be interested in others and what they are doing, and be prepared to hear what the other person might have to say.
Yes, listening is an art - one that seems to be disappearing. Just as the dinosaurs slipped away from the earth, so is listening. "We" seem so caught up in our own lives, activities, accomplishments, predicaments, drama, angst, and turmoil that "we" fail to recognize that the person sitting across from us, or next to us, might actually appreciate being asked a question about his or her life or important people/events in his or her life.
I would like to think I am an active listener and that I am able to engage others in conversation about themselves, rather than droning on and on about me, myself, and I, which seems to be a trend in interpersonal relating "these days". If I could wish for a genetic mutation, I would wish for humans to have bigger ears than mouths.
I think I had better not hold my breath on this one.
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