Ancora Imparo strives for accuracy. Well, honesty if not accuracy. Anything for a story, I guess.
My posting from Thursday, October 27, 2011, titled "How Many Is Too Many?" contained a gross mistake.....a four-billion mistake to be exact. When I was writing about the next population level, I stated that the world would soon reach three billion. I guess I have been living in a cave or on an island with Tom Hanks and his soccer ball. I guess the good news here is that I caught my own error and corrected the posting before a reader caught the mistake for me.
As my favorite high school math teacher knows, math is not my strong suit. Now I know why in high school, when a youngish teacher seated his Algebra One class in order of test scores, a great guy and I arm-wrestled constantly over last chair. I think he is now deceased. I hope he did not die of a broken heart from math-class humiliation. I was never humiliated - although perhaps I should have been. Maybe I could count beyond the music-major's required twelve.
In my day, if I were being chastised in grade school, I would have to write "I am sorry." one hundred times on the chalkboard.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
I hope that three times is a charm in 2011.
Ancora impoligetico