Merriam-Webster defines the word conspiration as follows:
1. The act or action of plotting or secretly combining
2. A joint effort toward a particular end
As I mentioned in last night's posting, I received a new laptop - a very big surprise - on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. This new laptop was a result of conspiration on the the part of two of my favorite people: Capt. Cook and Favorite Youngest Son.
I first became aware of conspiration in the wind several weeks ago when I was present during a phone conversation between Capt. Cook and Someone Else. I inquired if the caller was Favorite Eldest and he said, "No". I then asked if the caller was Favorite Youngest and he replied, "No". I then asked, (this is standard for us) "Who was it?", and he said, "A secret." Well, you might as well have told me that ponies and puppies were somewhere in the condo and I had to guess where. But, no amount of cajoling could coax it out of him and I (I now know wrongly) assumed that the conversation had something to do with the surprise birthday "party" for me shortly thereafter. My curiosity was seriously piqued but there was nothing I could do or say that would pry the caller's name from Capt. Cook's lips.
I actually forgot about the phone call........until Thanksgiving Day, when my favorite youngest son and Capt. Cook sheepishly presented me with this laptop and fessed up to being the two parties in the secret phone call. Favorite Youngest Son had convinced his Favorite Father (earthly) that I needed a new computer. I told FYS that I had no idea he had so much influence with his FF and that I really needed a new car! I am doubting that his influence is that great, but a girl can wish, can't she?
There you have the story of conspiration and skullduggery that recently took place in my life. Good problems to have, don't you think? Not only did I get a new laptop, but FYS had it all formatted and ready to go! No waiting or downloading or hand-wringing.
To my Favorite Conspirators: Thank you, both!
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