Today's posting may seem callous, callow, and, perhaps, insensitive, but I am going to ask the rhetorical question: Where is humanity's collective perspective?
As of late, the news' crawl has informed us that famous people have died, a jilted young woman has found romance....yet again, two selfish people with lots of children are taking a break, a white-collar thief received legal punishment, politicians have been unfaithful to their spouses and constituents, and Mr. and Mrs. Famous have had yet another spat.
And then there is the soldier in Iraq that is/was on his third tour of duty, recovered from a previous duty-related wound, proudly serving his country, whose vehicle was attacked and, it is reported, has lost both legs and, instead of fighting for his country is now fighting for his life. Sadly, this is an all-too-familiar story that we hear almost daily.
Has our collective consciousness become so immune to these stories that we, instead, focus more on the deaths (however sad and untimely) of famous people, their estate spats and will-searches? Or, is it that the stories and pictures of war are so horrific that we escape in the trivial news that is placed before us?
I certainly do not have an answer and I am most certainly not vaccinated against the pursuit of trivial information.
What I am, at this moment, is ashamed and embarrassed of myself. I need to examine my perspective with a different perspective.
Ancora imparo