Thursday, June 11, 2009

I May Not Have Majored In Math, But....

This posting is dedicated to Washington D.C.'s politicians.

I may not have majored in math.....or econ......or accounting......or business a music major, I did learn the value and necessity of having the correct number of beats per measure, per the time signature. I also learned that musicians who cannot perform music with the correct number of beats per measure or give note values their correct amounts of time will never make it above the description of "poor performers".

So it was with a jaundiced ear and an over-abundance of skepticism and cynicism that I listened to a national news report last evening explaining the 'unusual vortex' of events that have come into play resulting in the nation's rising gas prices. A multitude of 'experts' were quoted - allow me to paraphrase:

OPEC is ..................
Oil companies are responding........
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

My responses went something like this:
  • Hello?
  • Do you think I was born yesterday?
  • And you have underwater property for sale where?
  • You must be kidding!
  • Unbelievable
  • Wha.....the......?????
  • Right...........
  • I do have all my oars in the water!
  • I'm smarter than I look!
  • I may be short but.......
To try to con the American public into anything other than the bare-faced facts is an insult to our collective intelligence. Do the politicians not see what we see? That gas prices begin creeping up in mid-May. Gee, let me check my calendar. Oh, what a surprise, Memorial Day is fast approaching! Post-Memorial Day will see the creep continue throughout the month of June. Even bigger surprise, the Fourth of July will soon arrive! By now the creep has accelerated into a gallop as the calendar checks itself off to the beginning of September. What do you know? Labor Day! To further insult our collective intelligence, this is not a once-in-a-lifetime cycle. This cycle repeats itself every year!

Our gas prices rise because the oil companies can raise them under the guise of many an outside influence. How do you spell collusion? Food corporations and dairy companies have known the sting of collusion and price-fixing charges and are subject to stringent rules and regulations. Why are not our oil companies subject to the same rules and regs?

I wasn't born yesterday on that answer, either.

It is only in Washington D.C. that two plus two does not have to equal four and that a time signature of four-over-four can routinely have five beats per measure.

Ancora imparo