Today is the Hallmark date set aside to honor current fathers and to remember our fathers who have gone before us. While not desiring to post a 'sappy' blog today, I would like to be reflective about fathers in general.
There was a brief discussion in my Sunday School class this morning about fathers and how they come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments......which caused me to reflect on my own father and other men who have been and are fathers. Fathers come in two other types as well: Biological and symbolic. As our class was waxing poetic about fatherhood, I realized that there was at least one man in the room who never had biological or adoptive children, yet had 'fathered' many men, both young and old, in one way or another. It is this type of father that our Hallmark 'day' totally misses the mark on and, perhaps, fosters a feeling of inadequacy in men (and women on Mothers' Day) who do not fall into the Hallmark category of parenthood.
And so I say to all card companies and well-meaning folk who innocently put the spotlight on what 'they' consider to be 'real' fathers, let us all remember that Every Man can be a father, whether he shares a genetic code with any offspring.
Here's to all kinds of fathers, everywhere.........thank you.
Ancora imparo