Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Right In Front Of Us

Sometimes good stuff, places, products, and people are right in front of us, aren't they?

We don't have to drive long distances for the greatest shopping experiences. For a good shopping day we can often stay home, driving short distances. It just takes a companion who is familiar with different businesses and localities and can guide others to previously overlooked establishments.

Occasionally it takes outsiders who move into our neighborhoods and communities to show us what jewels and gems we have right in our own backyards. These newcomers fill their hours and days exploring and visiting parks, other recreational sites, restaurants, performing arts troupes that 'locals' often dismiss or overlook.

New faces in our lives not only guide us to appreciate what we have but those same new faces also bring fresh conversations, perspectives, and the possibility of friendships.

I've had the pleasure over the past months to find new people in my life that have added immeasurably to the quality of my life. I am a better person because of new faces who have introduced me to new places.

Ancora imparo