Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scheduled Outage

My dashboard says that a scheduled outage will occur within the next twenty-four hours. This message precipitated thoughts about scheduling my own outage (not permanent), when it would be and what I would do while I was 'out'. Upon careful reflection, I realized that the possibilities were endless but I did settle on my dream scenario.

I'd depart for the month of April - just before swimsuit season. My destination would be a Golden Door Salon and Spa. Any one of their locations would be acceptable as long as I could take my dog with me. While there, I'd be fed a vegetarian diet prepared by a personal chef, pampered upon my request by my personal pamperer, attend yoga and Pilates sessions with a personal trainer - followed by a daily massage, receive weekly manicures and pedicures, receive multiple make-overs until I 'got it right', have a hair stylist and colorist work on my unruly hair, engage a stylist to help me with my choice of clothes, read books whenever I chose and have access to a personal laptop computer at all times.

As you can see, my desires are small but my dream is huge. I'm quite confident that this dream will never materialize but I had great fun conjuring it. For a short while, I was transported to another world and that was a vacation in and of itself. I am temporarily renewed and refreshed.

I invite you to schedule your own temporary outage. I'm already imagining my next one!

Ancora imparo