We are a world of impatient people, aren't we?
We are a world of "I want it and I want it now!".
Seconds seem like minutes and minutes feel like hours.
We honk our horns at each other when we wait for what we think is 'too long' at a traffic light. We stomp our feet, shift our body weight or sigh frequently when we find ourselves in a slow checkout lane in a retail establishment. We finish each others' sentences. We channel surf with impatient zeal. We have people who watch over our shoulders, literally and figurtively, observing our every move, making unspoken demands and displaying body language that brings the 'watchee' close to tears. We see parents take something from a child in exasperation and proceed to complete the task the child was attempting. Computer 'experts' snatch mice from people who may move more slowly than the 'expert' can tolerate. We complain if worship services last more than sixty minutes.
Where did tolerance and patience go in our society?
Yet we display tolerance and patience for the ludicrous.
We'll talk for hours on the phone. We'll wait for an hour or more to get into our favorite restaurant or amusement park attraction. We insist on driving ourselves into and out of cities for work -drives that last hours - instead of taking public transportation. We spend hours online.............. We attend boring cocktail parties and listen to self-important people drone on and on.
I guess it does all come down to personal choice and personal style. Some humans are built with slower internal clocks than others, although it does seem that most of these people live closer to the equator. Those of us who live in northern climes are a busy bunch, hurrying and scurrying to our next task.
Ooops! Gotta go. My timer went 'ding'. I'm on to my next task!
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