Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Washing Machine Shortage

Have you observed that there must be a national shortage of washing machines?

This shortage could be due to many mitigating factors such as the economy in general, less disposable income due to job losses, factory closings, foreign competition, the National Washing Machine Builders' Union going on strike, or, perhaps, the Maytag man is on an extended vacation.

I spoke with a representative of the National Washing Machine Builders Union and he confirmed that there is, indeed, a shortage of washing machines. Warehouses that were once full of these appliances now sit empty, pitiful craters as reminders of a once-booming industry.

The NWMBU representative indicated that the shortage is most severe in southern states, particularly in the state of South Carolina. Not much information regarding this mystery is publicly available at this time but evidence is building that South Carolinians seem to be airing their dirty laundry at every turn.

Governor Mark Sanford is leading the charge, airing his dirty laundry right and left. His aides have requested that he suspend his dirty-laundry airings but to no avail. His constituency is becoming increasingly concerned about the washing machine shortage at the state capital and the fear is growing that this appliance emergency may spread nationwide. Those most affected appear to be individuals belonging to the Republican Party, although this rumor has not yet been substantiated.

Late last night,South Carolina state officials could be seen huddling in private meetings with the NWMBU representatives though there is no word, at this time, that any agreement has been reached.

As soon as I become aware that the airing of dirty laundry has ceased, at least in the state of South Carolina, you'll hear it here!

Ancora imparo