Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Three Brains

Science has long purported that there are just two hemispheres of the brain:  Left and right.  Scientists and behaviorists theorize that the left hemisphere houses the verbal and logical functions of the brain and the right hemisphere houses the creative, more spontaneous functions of the brain.  When I was actively teaching, we were fed constant material - both in paper form and staff-improvement sessions - about this theory and how important it was to ALWAYS teach in a manner that addressed students with both tendencies. 

After spending years being subjected to this theory, I have developed my own conjecture that I actually have three brains.  Since leading neuroscientists do not agree on this concept anyway, I am comfortable sharing my three-brain theory with anyone who is willing to listen.

My brain, perhaps not all that different from yours, works hard in both hemispheres.  Granted, I do know people who seem to function only in one side.  These people are so immersed in either creativity or logic that I fail to see how they can walk through doorways without massive head injuries.  They live their lives in 45-degree angles and rarely stand up straight.

My third brain, however, is a scary place where constant discussions take place.  My third brain seems to house national debate tournaments.  It is a hectic place to be and even more hectic to live with.  Yin and yang are continually present in my third brain.  If you have a third brain, I can guarantee that it is difficult to sleep because both sides of your brain are trying to "get the last word" on either how to perform a task, which task to perform, whether or not the task is a priority, what tools it takes to perform the task, what the task-performance timetable should be, should it be a group project or a lone-ranger project, what font to use if text is involved, what size the font should be, and should graphics be present.

My third brain thrives on caffeine, Godiva chocolate, almonds, and apple slices.  My right brain really prefers carrot cake with cream cheese frosting but my left brain yells back that there are too many calories and too much sugar in the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.  My third brain referees the argument and, hence, the caffeine, Godiva, almonds and apple slices.  My third brain has very good taste but the stuff that my right brain would eat tastes better.

I have now come to the time to fix a bit of breakfast for myself.  My right brain would like bacon and whole eggs.  My left brain says I should eat a small bowl of Special K and my third brain has decided to go with hard-boiled eggs, minus the yolks. 

No fun, that third brain.  I think I'll opt for a 45-degree angle.

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