Thursday, August 4, 2011

What, You Say? No Ice?

I must have done something very wrong and angered the gods, the universe, or CATSA - the cat society that Bucky Kat has started in the comic strip, "Get Fuzzy".  True, I had some unsavory thoughts about Geriatric Grumpy Kitty, but I never thought she would communicate to CATSA and that my punishment would be a  world devoid of ice cubes.  If this were November, December, January, February, March or April, I'd be better prepared to endure a world without ice cubes, but this is the dog-days of summer and I NEED ICE.

Not only has the Aqua RV's ice cube maker faulted out but, as of this afternoon, the automatic ice dispenser on the home refrigerator has ceased to function.  To try to remedy this situation, I went to Capt. SO and said, ever so sweetly, "Honey, can you tell me why we have no ice in the ice-cube-maker container?"  He gave it a passing glance and said he had no idea why there were no ice cubes in the ice-cube-maker container.  Since he was leaving to play with his antique tractors, I said, ever so sweetly, "Honey, could you please stop by the store, on your way home from the hot barn, and fetch us a bag of ice cubes?"  Now, this seemed like a logical request to me but he saw it differently and told me to find the ice cube trays.  "Of course", I said, ever so sweetly.  "I never thought about that.  I'll find them right away!"  After spending the better part of an hour, tearing apart the condo in search of ice cube trays, I declared the condo to be an ice-cube-tray-free zone.

For years, we've been carting around ice cube trays every time we moved.  These extra ice-cube trays have been the butt of many a joke - at my expense, but I insisted that we must keep some......for occasions such as this.  Whatever the cause for the disappearance of the ice cube trays, the outcome is the same.  THERE ARE NO ICE CUBE TRAYS IN MY CONDO........AND I WANT ICE.

Consequently, I scrounged around the condo, looking for make ice in that would create ice cubes small enough to fit in a large, plastic glass.  The only container(s) I could find that would possibly make ice, in the dimensions needed, were tiny Rubbermaid plastic storage containers - the kind that teachers (me) kept small "stuff" in - in their desk drawers.  I scrubbed the six of them and they have been freezing their contents of H20 for the past three hours.

"Damn the torpedos!  Full speed ahead!"  I will have ice!

Ancora imparo determined