Monday, August 15, 2011

How Did We Ever Manage?

When I was a child, so many things we took for granted, experienced on a daily basis, or accepted as routine would now be considered unmanageable, unsafe, unacceptable and unseemly.

For instance, children of my generation routinely walked one mile or more, unsupervised, to and from school.  We rode our bicycles short and long distances by ourselves and we played in areas that, today, would be seen as unfit and unsafe......yet somehow we survived and even thrived. 

Somehow the world seemed safer then than now.

When I was a child, cars did not have seat belts like our modern-day vehicles have.  Our seat belt, which worked just fine, was the long and strong arm of our mother, suddenly thrust in front of our bodies, like a train-track arm on steroids.  To this day, my arm involuntarily swings out from time to time, protecting an invisible child seated next to me.  

Somehow we survived and even thrived.  Were we any less safe then than now?

On a sillier note, tonight Capt. SO and I ate some sweetcorn that we had purchased at a local farmers' market.  A thorough search of Das Boot's drawers revealed zero corn-cob-yellow holders that get stuck in the ends of the cob so your fingers don't get as dirty.  At first we looked at our cobs and both had the same thought:  "How can we ever eat our corn now?"  Then we simultaneously realized that we could simply pick up the cob.....with our bare hands and still enjoy the flavorful maize morsels. 

Somehow we survived eating corn-on-the-cob with only our fingers.

I wonder if my life should be lived as if I was eating sweetcorn with my fingers?  You know.....buttery, salted, slippery, flavorful and noisy! 

Yes, yes.....a thousand times yes! 

Ancorna imparo