Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some Decisions Are Just Easier Than Others

Politics and economics.....two hot-button topics these days and most any day.  I try to stay away from blatant political rants in this blog and the discussion of economics.  Well, who wants to be depressed? 


There are two political issues that I just do not get and I cannot embrace, condone, identify with nor agree with. 

Recall elections. 

I'll go out on a limb, hopefully not insulting too many people with whom I am acquainted, and say that I find recall elections insulting - especially when they are generated by sore losers.  I can understand a recall election to attempt to oust some idiotic politician who has committed some egregious act, but to try to recall a politician just because that person does not agree with my political views?  Shame on me.  Is that not what this country was built upon......elections that were for the people and by the people?  Just because my political persuasion is different from yours does not mean that I should attempt to have you recalled from office.  THAT IS WHAT REGULARLY SCHEDULED ELECTIONS ARE FOR.  My political views are no more or less moronic than yours.  If you do not agree with my views then rally your troops and vote me out of office.....during the next regularly scheduled election process.

The State of Illinois just released one hundred and forty one million dollars in escrow money to the state's horse racing business.  Now, this is all very well and good, if you are a horse, or a horse's #%&*, but if you are one of the state's school-aged children and your district cannot find the cash or borrow the funds to buy textbooks, repair your schools, pay your student's staff, or operate your buses, then the imbecilic act of releasing money to subsidize horse racing is moronic at best. 

As for the sorry state of our nation's economics and all things cannot tell me that this crisis is not just another example of market manipulation by those who can manipulate the stock market and who laugh all the way to the bank with the money they earn from bringing the rest of us to our economic knees.  Someone, somewhere or somebodies, somewhere are making a lot of money from our misery.  It is just not right.

End of whining. 

Ancora imparo