Monday, February 1, 2010

I Did It!

It's late and I'm tired but somehow I need to write about this.

I've had a big project going for the past two weeks, one that I did not anticipate would turn out to be so time-consuming........restoring a quilt that I made almost forty years ago. As I mended and reinforced, so many of the quilt squares brought back memories because the it was constructed with fabric from my seamstress days. Not that I was a professional seamstress, but that there were a number of years in my high school through early thirties years that I sewed almost everything I wore as well as my SO and children. Each piece of fabric tells a story about what I made and where I wore it. Over the years the quilt had fallen into a state of disrepair and needed hours of work. After replacing many squares, which was like wrestling an alligator to get the large quilt through my sewing machine's rather limited space, I re-tied the entire piece, which I discovered was a VERY labor-intensive task in and of itself. Having just finished the restoration just a few minutes ago, I can admit to have some very sore fingertips. But, the project is completed, the quilt has been given a few more years of life, and I feel a huge sense of accomplishment.

This blog posting will also be a milestone for me, the achievement of a personal goal that I set for myself over a year ago - to compose three-hundred and sixty five postings. I had actually hoped to blog every day consecutively, but there were about thirty-one days, throughout the past year, that I missed a daily posting. I came close, but did not bring my goal in exactly on target. Having said that, I am still immensely pleased with myself that I was able to muster the mostly-daily discipline to write on a regular basis. Writing has become a valuable outlet for my brain's creative waves and I cannot imagine eliminating this mental exercise from my routine each day.

Initially, when I conjured up this goal of three-hundred and sixty five postings, I envisioned compiling a body of work and then stopping when my goal had been met........but now quitting is not an option that I could do or would want to do. I'm hooked on the pleasant rush that comes when I type Ancora imparo and hit the 'publish post' button.

Now I'm looking forward to the pleasant rush when my head hits the pillow. No problem achieving that goal in a very short amount of time!

Good night.

Ancora imparo